Good afternoon CSUS families and caregivers,
I hope all enjoyed a restful long weekend with loved ones. A belated thanks to East End House for its role in supporting our PCO and community for Thanksgiving last week. Please see below for important reminders and upcoming events at CSUS.
Picture retakes will take place Monday, Dec 4
Information can be found
here; please make sure scholars bring their original proof if they are getting their picture retaken.
CSUS PCO Gift Card Drive
The CSUS Parent Caregiver Organization holds an annual Gift Card Drive each year to support families in our community over the December, February, and April breaks.
How You Can Help
- Donate funds to our Gift Card Drive and the PCO will purchase grocery gift cards to give to the CSUS Family Liaison to distribute to families directly
- Donate a $25 or $50 gift card to Market Basket, Target, Star, or other grocery store and drop it off at the CSUS main office labeled “PCO Gift Card Drive”
Support Our Teachers Too!
Purchase supplies that teachers have added to the PCO's Amazon Wish List!
Thank You For Your Generosity!
With your help, we’ll provide food security to more families over school vacations throughout the year.
CSUS Homework Expectations and Weekly HW Calendars
In an effort to keep scholars, caregivers, and out of school time providers informed regarding weekly assignments, our teaching teams are sharing weekly homework calendars. These will be posted on our website for reference and easy access.
Grade 8 Weekly Homework
Grade 7 Weekly Homework
Grade 6 Weekly Homework
CPS Family Survey Open Monday, November 27 through Friday, December 22
How are we doing? We value your feedback and would like to hear from you!
Scan the QR code to take the survey by midnight on Friday, December 22. **Responses are anonymous. Your feedback will inform decisions as we strive to continue to provide high quality learning experiences that meet the needs of all of our scholars and build welcoming schools.
Important upcoming dates:
December is HIV/AIDS Awareness Month and Universal Human Rights Month
December 4: Picture retake day
December 7-15: Hanukkah (observed - school is in session)
December 20: CSUS Band and Orchestra Winter Showcase 5PM
December 25-January 2: Winter Break - No School
Thank you for entrusting us with your scholars’ education. Go Cobras!
Head of School
Cambridge Street Upper School