Message from Christen Sohn: January 20, 2022

Message from Christen Sohn: January 20, 2022
Posted on 01/20/2022
Good afternoon CSUS Parents and Caregivers,

Cobra Volleyball season concluded last week with our CSUS teams advancing to the semifinals and the championships. Congrats on a great season!

This week I am very excited to finally launch our School Site Council and CSUS Equity Team. The Equity Team is a body of stakeholders from our across our community whose focus will be improving the school’s past and current efforts to ensure academic success for all scholars with an intentional equity-focused anti-racist lens. Our initial meeting will be a joint meeting with the School Site Council. Our agenda will review CSUS’ School Site Council’s past initiatives and the CPS recommendations for School Site Councils and Equity Teams moving forward. At this meeting we will refine goals, next steps, and future meeting dates for both groups. Our School Site Council and Equity Team meeting will be held virtually TONIGHT, January 20 from 6:30-7:30PM. Zoom information will be emailed this evening.

If you are interested in joining the CSUS School Site Council or Equity Team and unable to make this evening’s meeting, please email me. We are aware of an incoming 9th grade family meeting this evening that may impact attendance for our 8th grade caregivers. We will schedule a follow up time for these families or can share meeting recording and notes depending on interest and availability.

COVID Updates
THANK YOU parents and caregivers for your patience and understanding as we navigate a recent increase in positive COVID cases and the related communication associated with testing and identifying close contacts. Moving forward, COVID update emails will include information about positive tests conducted outside of school/reported by caregivers in addition to results from building-based testing. You will always be notified immediately regarding positive test results, positive pool tests, and close contacts. Cumulative community updates regarding positive cases in our community will now happen weekly to limit the volume of emails folks are receiving.

Here are the most recent district guidelines around COVID quarantine and testing. If your child tests positive outside of school, please contact the CSUS Main Office regarding quarantine, supports for your scholar and family, and to determine your child’s return date.

Friday, Jan 21
This year’s CSUS Theater performance is this Friday, January 21, at 7PM. Our performance will be live streamed. The evening will consist of 2 one-act plays, “Chaired,” by Christian Kiley and “Finishing Sentences,” by Scott Giessler. Fill out this form to register for a link to the livestream. The link and playbill will be sent out 1 hour prior to the performance. Reach out to Ms. Smith with any questions.

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CSUS Art and Artist of the week
CSUS Scholar Artist of the Week: Jan. 18, 2022
CSUS Scholar Art
Koki Cameron
Grade 8
“Racoon”, Acrylic Paint on cut out paper

Thank you for entrusting us with your scholar’s learning. We understand that you have choices regarding your child’s education, and appreciate you choosing CSUS. Your partnership and trust are a huge part of what makes CSUS spell SUCCESS!

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend,
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