Good evening CSUS Parents and Caregivers,
Things have been busy at CSUS! Regular communication is essential to keeping our community informed and as we head into the second semester, the plan is to ensure weekly letters to keep families informed of the many exciting opportunities and events coming up. See below for updates regarding last month’s Winter Arts Showcase, upcoming Scholar Led Conferences, and other important dates/events this month.
Winter Arts Showcase Success
Our January 26 Winter Showcase was a TREMENDOUS success. Our community celebrated the artwork of every single scholar in a visual art class first semester. Our Band, Chorus, and Orchestra performed in front of a standing room only auditorium! Our scholars displayed skills and talents nurtured by our outstanding VPA staff. Many thanks to Ms Chanler, Ms Silbert, Mr Watts, Ms El Kareh, and Ms Smith for their commitment to our scholars and their artistic development through what has been a challenging few years. Much appreciation to the many members of our Cambridge Street community who showed up to support scholars and the arts. It was a great way to conclude the semester.
Scholar Led Conferences
This month, CSUS is hosting Scholar Led Conferences as a mid-year opportunity for scholars to showcase their schoolwork and discuss progress on their educational goals with you.
At a Scholar-Led conference, you can expect your child to share their reflection on how the year is going, what SCHOLAR (social justice, curiosity, honor, originality, leadership, academic excellence, and resilience) attributes they are striving for, as well as a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) written reflection on their academic growth and and goals.
Your child’s homeroom advisor will be in touch, if they have not already, to schedule your child’s scholar led conference.
Scholar Artist of the Week

View past art >>
See below for important upcoming events at CSUS
March 2: Upper School Basketball Championship at CRLS - Go Cobras!
- CSUS Girls vs. Amigos 3:20PM
- CSUS Boys vs. Putnam 4:30PM
March 3: 7th grade Science NetPals field trip
March 9: School Site Council virtual meeting, email Principal Sohn for Zoom link
March 15: Early Release, scholars dismiss at 12:55PM
March 20: No school for scholars, professional development day for staff
March 28: Parent Caregiver Organization (PCO) meeting; email Mr. Adams for Zoom link
April 4-5: ELA MCAS testing for all grades
Thank you for entrusting us with your scholar’s learning. Have a wonderful week, and Go Cobras!
Christen Sohn
Head of School
Cambridge Street Upper School