Message from Christen Sohn: September 17, 2024

Message from Christen Sohn: September 17, 2024
Posted on 09/17/2024

Good afternoon CSUS families and caregivers, 

September is in full swing, and there is exciting learning and community building happening at Cambridge Street! This week’s update includes important information about Hispanic/Latinx American Heritage Month, Weekly Homework Expectations, updates on Scholar Schedules and Mathematics, the PCO Bake Sale, and other important upcoming dates.

Hispanic/Latinx/e Heritage Month 
September 15-October 15 is Hispanic/Latinx/e Heritage Month! While we work hard to ensure our scholars’ identities in curricula and classrooms throughout the year, from Sept 15-Oct 15 our community is elevating and celebrating Hispanic/Latinx/e culture and contributions. This year's theme according to the National Archives website is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” 

Historically pre-pandemic, CSUS has hosted an annual potluck for Hispanic/Latinx/e Heritage Month. If you are interested in planning how CSUS celebrates with our wider community, please connect with our Family Liaison Kimberly Gabbidon at [email protected]

I hope your scholar is settling into a rhythm and routine at CSUS. We are looking forward to getting to know you and your scholars better in the coming weeks. Some formal opportunities for connecting with CSUS include 

CSUS Homework Expectations and Weekly HW Calendars 
In an effort to keep scholars, caregivers, and out of school time providers informed regarding weekly assignments, our teaching teams are sharing weekly homework calendars. These will be posted on our website for reference and easy access. 

Grade 8 Weekly Homework
Grade 7 Weekly Homework
Grade 6 Weekly Homework

School Council Elections Next Week
According to the CPS School Council Handbook, 
A School Council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, under both state and federal law (MGL Chapter 71, Section 59C, ESSA). The School Council improves student outcomes by engaging its community in site-based decision-making to develop a shared vision of the school. This type of collaborative decision-making also allows teachers and administrators to work with parents and the community to become more responsive to the needs of a particular school's population. 

Elections for our CSUS School Council will happen next week. l If you are interested in joining the CSUS School Council or nominate another caregiver to the School Council, contact me at [email protected]. To learn more about these opportunities please email me or Director of Family & Community Engagement Dr Raymond Porch at [email protected].

Scholar Schedule Update
As we get into learning routines at CSUS, scholar schedules often change slightly to best ensure all students are receiving the support they need. Scholars received updated schedules on Monday that accurately reflect advisory circle groups on Wednesday mornings, WIN (What I Need) classes, and any tweaks or changes related to instrument/performing arts choice, counseling and other related services, and support for scholars with IEPs. If your scholar has any questions regarding schedule changes, they can connect with their advisor or with Ms Sammy or me.

Mathematics Update 
We are in the process of finalizing plans to ensure that 8th grade students interested in taking Algebra during the 2025-2026 school year are well-prepared and can do so. Our team is working hard to create a clear and supportive pathway, and we will be sharing more details with you soon. Over the next few weeks, the Math Department will be sharing plans for a pathway for advanced learning for 7th and 8th grade students.

Thank you for your continued patience and partnership as we work toward this important goal. 

Join the PCO’s Back to School Night Bake Sale!
Thursday, September 26 | 5PM - 7:30PM 
We need your help! Would you be able to help set up tables that evening, make sales or would you prefer to bake some delicious goodies?  All help is welcome. Please use this link to sign up.

Any questions please reach out to Shalini at [email protected] who will be happy to assist you. 

Thank you for your time and support. We always appreciate our wonderful volunteers!

Important upcoming dates 

  • September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month 
  • September 26: Back to School Night | 5:30-7:30PM | Come to meet your scholars’ teacher, learn about curriculum, and get to know the CSUS community partners. | View flyer here >>
  • October 3: Rosh Hashanah - No School 
    • Rosh Hashanah is observed from October 2-4; CPS is closed on October 3. Happy New Year to those who celebrate. 
  • October 11: Picture Day 
  • October 14: Indigenous People’s Day - No School
  • Coming up: Listening Conferences - Your scholar’s advisor will contact you later this month to schedule a conference where we can hear from you and learn more about your child and family.

Thank you for entrusting us with your scholars’ education. We are looking forward to a joyful and enriching year with you and your children. 

Go Cobras! 

Head of School 
Cambridge Street Upper School

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