Good Afternoon CSUS Families and Caregivers,
I hope everyone is having a warm week! We are looking forward to celebrating our scholars’ musical and artistic talents at this Thursday’s Chorus Concert and Art Show - I hope to see you there!
Please see below for information about the important upcoming dates and events at Cambridge Street.
CSUS Homework Expectations and Weekly HW Calendars
In an effort to keep scholars, caregivers, and out of school time providers informed regarding weekly assignments,
our teaching teams are sharing weekly homework calendars. These will be posted on our website for reference and easy access.
Grade 8 Weekly Homework
Grade 7 Weekly Homework
Grade 6 Weekly Homework
Support our Art Show and Chorus Concert THIS THURSDAY, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM!
Please sign up to support our talented students with snacks, baked goods for their bake sale,
or assistance with the bake sale.
Snacks will be shared potluck style for all in attendance. Crackers, cheese, veggies, chips, and other small bites and drinks are appreciated!
This bake sale is run by the Art Club and all proceeds go to the art club.
Sign up here >>
First PCO meeting of 2025 is next Monday!
Please join us on Monday, January 20th at 7:30 PM to discuss upcoming events and ways to support our beloved school!
PCO Meeting Details
Monday, January 20 | 7:30 – 8:30PM EST | GoogleMeet
Join meeting online >>
Or dial: (US) +1 631.910.9151
PIN: 803 754 459#
More phone numbers
Other Important Upcoming Dates
- January 14 and 16: iReady testing for all grades
- January 15: CRLS Information Night for Rising 9th Grade Families | 5-8PM
- January 16: Winter Chorus Concert and Art Show | 5:30PM
- January 20: Martin Luther King Jr Day; No School
- January 23: School Council Meeting | 6:30PM (rescheduled from January 16) | Presentation on Math at CSUS
- February 5: Scholar Led Conferences for all grades | 5:30-7PM
Thank you for entrusting us with your scholars’ education, and for your ongoing support of our community.
Go Cobras!
Head of School
Cambridge Street Upper School